Sgroi Financial Survey

We want to hear from you! Fill out our survey below for a chance to win a $50 gift card!

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1. Besides meeting with a Financial Advisor, do you currently use Sgroi Financial as an educational resource? (select all that apply)
2. If you selected webinars – have you enjoyed our past webinars?
3. If you were to attend a seminar/webinar, what time of day would you attend? (select all that apply)
4. In the future, what educational resources would you be most interested in using from Sgroi Financial? (select all that apply)
please specify
5. What topics can we help you with by providing more resources on?
please specify
6. If you have children or grandchildren, would you use Sgroi Financial as an educational resource to help teach them?
7. If yes to question 6, what resources would you be most interested in learning about topics for you and your children/ grandchildren?
Your current age
9. Are you a current client of Sgroi Financial?
10. To be entered to win a $50 gift card, please enter your name, email address & phone number below


Taking Care
of Our Teachers

Sgroi Financial is a proud local supporter of teachers assisting over 3,000 clients from over 100 school districts with their 403(b) plans.